Substantially Cleaner Stormwater

April 29, 2021

Toronto’s Cherry Street Stormwater Facility is now operational and treating the stormwater run-off from the West Don Lands. We are thrilled to have delivered this complex and state-of-the-art facility, which helps Waterfront Toronto’s broader commitment to protecting and enhancing the natural environment.

As part of the treatment process, water is pumped from the 26 m (85.3 ft.) deep West Don Land Stormshaft underground to the new facility, where it first enters two large gravity screens, a unique ballasted flocculation system, and finally a UV system, before being safely released into Lake Ontario.

Earlier this year, the facility was recognized by Azure Magazine as one of 10 Striking Architecture Projects Shaping Design in 2021, ranking number three on the list.

For more details about the project, click here.

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