Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant – Effluent Disinfection System

Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant – Effluent Disinfection System Location: Toronto, ON The Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant is Ontario’s oldest and largest wastewater treatment plant and has been in operation since 1917. The Effluent Disinfection System project...

Waterloo Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade – Contract 3

Waterloo Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade – Contract 3 Location: Waterloo, ON Graham’s scope of work on this project included general site work modifications including new yard piping and pavement, the demolition of the existing Administration Building and Primary...

Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre

Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre Location: Oakville, Ontario The Oakville Southeast Community Centre consists of the following: a lap pool 25-meters in length, six lanes wide and 12 feet deep, its temperature perpetually kept at 29-degrees Celsius; a walking track,...

St. Jerome’s University Campus Redevelopment

St. Jerome’s University Campus -Redevelopment Location: Waterloo, Ontario Graham completed a seven-storey tower as part of St. Jerome’s campus redevelopment initiative. The design of the 360-bed residence, by Diamond Schmitt Architects, encourages community and social...