Frank Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

Frank Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Location: Frank, AB The project consists of the construction of a second process stream for incoming wastewater, a major headworks building addition and a new secondary clarifier that also houses a swing zone, two bioreactor...

Gilead API Process Tower

Gilead API Process Tower Location: Edmonton, AB Graham was selected in 2016 to construct a new Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Process Tower, which will provide Gilead with additional manufacturing capability for investigational drugs for clinical research...

High River Community Resource Centre

High River Community Resource Centre Location: High River, AB This Design-Build project was completed in two phases. Phase 1 comprised a new LEED Gold, mixed-use office building in downtown High River. The new building replaces the previous Provincial Building and the...

Keephills 3 Power – Site Prep

Keephills 3 Power – Site Prep Location: Keephills, AB The Site Preparation project included the demolition of existing foundations and buildings, mass excavation for the Power Island Foundation, common fill and granular placement required for site grading, site...

Kearl Consolidated Civil Works

Kearl Consolidated Civil Works Location: Wood Buffalo, AB Graham’s scope of civil work includes Large Soil Handling (~5M BCM), Pit Development (~2M BCM) and Water Management and Dewatering activities. Large Soil Handling includes soil windrowing of salvaged soils,...