Icefields Interchange Design-Build

Icefields Interchange Design-Build Location: Lake Louise, Alberta The project consisted of upgrading the existing Icefields Parkway Interchange, located at the junction of Highway 93 and the Trans-Canada Highway, near Lake Louise, in Banff National Park, Alberta. This...

Calgary West Light Rail Transit

Calgary West Light Rail Transit Location: Calgary, AB Working with joint venture partner SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Western) Inc., Graham completed the civil and infrastructure works for the construction of an 8km Light Rapid Transit line in Calgary’s inner city. The...

Trans-Canada Highway & Sarcee Trail Interchange Improvements

Trans-Canada Highway & Sarcee Trail Interchange Improvements Location: Calgary, AB The Trans-Canada Highway and Sarcee Trail Interchange Improvements project involved early contractor involvement through design-assist and contract management services. The key...

Glenmore Causeway Improvements

Glenmore Causeway Improvements Location: Calgary, AB The Glenmore Causeway Upgrades (GCU) included the removal and reconstruction of the existing Causeway Bridges to support the expansion of Glenmore Trail and satisfy current flood control guidelines through the...

194th Avenue SE Priddis Slough Crossing

194th Avenue SE Priddis Slough Crossing Location: Calgary, AB With a start date of June 2017, the Priddis Slough 194th Avenue SE Crossing project consisted of a 2.3-km, four-lane roadway constructed between the communities of Chaparral and Silverado, along the 194th...