One Walk – Achieving Great Things Together!

August 11, 2020

On July 25, 2020, Graham employees from across our operating locations celebrated One Walk, a virtual event that encouraged employees to participate in physical activity in support of mental and physical health, while giving back to our communities. For every employee that participated, Graham donated $50 to that employee’s local food bank.

In total, 465 employees participated in the event, with an additional 720 friends, family members and pets joining the cause! Together, we contributed more than $28,000 to food banks, including any additional fundraising local branches took part in. Over the past week, Graham representatives from 12 cities, ranging from Toronto to Vancouver to Denver, dropped by food banks to present donations and help fight hunger in our communities!

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been far reaching. People around the world are affected in various ways as a result of lack of connection and access to facilities. On top of that, many families are struggling with income disruption, increasing the demand on support services. One Walk was all about the opportunity to contribute to a great cause and create connections with co-workers, family and friends, all while complying with pandemic mandates put in place by local health authorities.

Special thanks to all our team members who participated in One Walk! Together, we made an impact in the communities in which we live and work.