Third Level Crossing Commissioned in Edmonton

May 5, 2020

This past weekend, Graham commissioned its third upgraded level crossing along the City of Edmonton’s Capital Line light rail transit (LRT). The crossing at 95th Street has been altered to improve safety for pedestrians, vehicles and LRT operators and now provides wider clearance, clear safety zones and warnings that are in line with the Level Crossing Regulations.

Despite COVID-19, our project team was able to continue operating while adapting and implementing additional measures to ensure the health and safety of everyone on site. “Part of our job as builders is to manage hazards,” says Dave McElroy, the project’s Superintendent. “COVID-19 is another hazard. On site, we added portable handwash stations for workers to use, repeatedly cleaned surfaces after every contact, staggered breaks to ensure proper physical distancing and implemented paperless sign-in/sign-out protocols. Each worker was also formally screened before entering the site.”

Masks were also recommended for workers to wear while performing their duties. This became mandatory, along with sealed glass wear, should workers be unable to maintain the required two metres of physical distancing.

With the work schedule re-aligned to accommodate the additional safety measures, all pre-commissioning work was nevertheless able to be completed in advance of the turnover to the City. And by working collaboratively with all project stakeholders, including the City of Edmonton, our project team successfully delivered the third of nine level crossing upgrades in accordance with Federal Funding regulations and time frame.

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