Graham Signs SCC Indigenous Engagement Charter

January 30, 2020

Graham recently signed the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce’s (SCC) Indigenous Engagement Charter (the Charter). The Charter aims to increase economic prospertiy in Saskatchewan’s Indigenous communities by enhancing engagement from local businesses. It was developed with expertise and cultural sensitivity, and will continue to evolve over time. It serves as a roadmap to provide businesses with the tools and framework they need to achieve effective and appropriate Indigenous engagement. Graham is proud to be a Founding Partner of this important program.

Graham’s involvement and engagement of Indigenous communities goes back many years. Our first partnership, Points Athabasca Contracting, was established over 18 years ago and now employs over 100 people, delivering lasting benefits, great skills training and job opportunities, and an optimistic future for the people of the Athabasca Basin. Graham is committed to ensuring that all our partnerships are just as successful as our first. We ensure these ventures remain Indigenous driven by providing the resources they need to autonomous, accountable and self-sufficient. This structure generates positive economic effects for the community by providing jobs (at all levels), training and future growth opportunities

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