Final Segment of Southwest Calgary Ring Road Opens On-Schedule

October 4, 2021

This past weekend, the final segment of the Southwest Calgary Ring Road, between Fish Creek Blvd and Highway 22X, was officially opened to motorists. This completes the 31-kilometre roadway that Graham and its partners in the KGL consortium have been working on for the past five years.

The Southwest Calgary Ring Road is comprised of six and eight-lane divided highways, a road flyover, a rail crossing, 49 bridges, a tunnel and three river crossings. It connects Highway 8 at the West end of the City to Macleod Trail in the Southeast.

Graham has been a key player in Calgary’s entire ring road project. In 2009, Graham delivered the 21-kilometre Northeast section. And we are currently working on the five-kilometre south portion of the West Calgary Ring Road, as part of Calgary Safelink Partners.

The opening of the final section of the Southwest ring road brings Calgary another step closer to completing a 60+ year vision of having a free-flowing highway around the city.

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