K-3 CLT Classrooms

Location: Wapato and Toppenish, WA

Graham was the contractor for this progressive design-build CLT pilot project for Washington State. This project consisted of a four-classroom addition to Adams Elementary School in Wapato and a four-classroom addition at Valley View Elementary School in Toppenish. The classrooms were designed and permitted in just three months. Lessons learned include:

The K-3 CLT Classrooms project was a progressive design-build CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) pilot project. The project aimed to introduce innovative and sustainable construction methods for classroom additions in two elementary schools: Adams Elementary School in Wapato and Valley View Elementary School in Toppenish.

The project involved the construction of a four-classroom addition at each school, with a focus on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The design and permitting process for the classrooms were completed within a three-month timeframe. Throughout the project, valuable techniques were implemented:

Standardized CLT panel sizes, openings, and layout were adopted to streamline manufacturing costs.

Standardized classroom amenities were incorporated to optimize subcontractor and supplier efficiencies.

Local subcontractors and labor were maximized to minimize overhead costs, contributing to the local economy.

Construction activities were strategically scheduled to ensure a smooth workflow between both project sites.

Contract Value

$2.35M USD

Prime Consultant

NAC Architecture

Project Owner

WA Department of Enterprise Services

Contract Format

Progressive Design-Build

Completion Date

July 2017

Contract Duration

10 months