Cloverdale Sport and Ice Complex
Location: Surrey, British Columbia
The Cloverdale Sport and Ice Arena will provide additional ice sheets in Cloverdale to meet the community’s needs for ice hockey, figure skating, public lessons, skating sessions and dry-floor summer use for sports such as a lacrosse and ball hockey. The new facility will provide approximately 95,000 sq. ft. of new community recreation space consisting of a new complex with two NHL-sized arena sheets that will be used for ice and dry floor sports, as well as supporting community multi-purpose spaces and spectator seating of up to 400 seats. Supporting spaces will include dressing rooms, a refrigeration plant, mechanical rooms, Servery space, meeting spaces, large washrooms, staff offices and open lobby with reception and skate rental facilities.
The facility will be of high quality in architecture and materials. Site development will include a new roadway extension with related engineering utility services, onsite parking for approximately 200 cars, construction and landscaping interfaces to support the building and compliment the adjacent park spaces.
As Construction Manager, Graham will provide design-assist and preconstruction services until April 2022 with construction slated to begin in March 2022.
Contract Value
Prime Consultant
TKA + D Architecture with RDHA Architects
Project Owner
City of Surrey
Contract Format
Construction Management
Completion Date
August 2023
Contract Duration
47 Months (incl. Preconstruction)